Recipe: Chia Seed Pudding

chia seed pudding

Chia seeds are a low calorie source of good protein, amino acids and are full of fibre (about 40%). They also contain lots of other goodies like calcium, magnesium, manganese & phosphorus which are good for bone health. They’re a good source of Zinc, which is good for immune health, for building proteins and as a neurotransmitter.

They’ve been seen to increase good cholesterol and lowering overall, L.D.L & triglyceride cholesterol (this is all good!) and are being looked at as a natural way to help those with Type 2 Diabetes maintain sugar levels as eating Chia has been seen to reduce spikes in sugar levels.

It was propelled into the limelight as the amazing new way to lose weight, with one of it’s amino acids tryptophan helping you feel fuller for longer.  Trials seem inconclusive, but it left us with an amazing superfood, especially useful to Vegans because of it’s high concentration of Protein and Omega 3s.

You can add a sprinkle of Chia seeds to your breakfast cereal, onto salads, into soups and smoothies, into breads; you can buy it as a ready made Chia pod pudding.  Or you can make your own!!

I mixed some coconut milk with half a mashed banana and 1 tblsp of seeds for the smaller glass and 2 tblsps for the bigger glass, I covered and left the seeds to swell up in the liquid for a few hours and later ate as a healthy snack.

The picture here is of the just mixed seeds before they swell. Very low cost for those looking for health on a budget, very satisfying for those looking for healthier ways to snack.  Chia pods also come in plain, blueberry and mango flavours, but I imagine you could try just about any fruit that goes with ‘milk’ in it.

Let me know how you get on!

2 responses to “Recipe: Chia Seed Pudding

  1. I love chia seeds, especially in oatmeal and they are so easy to sneak into baked goods! We have yet to try chia pudding, but it’s bound to happen though! Thanks for sharing. ☮


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